Chinese New Year has happened at a blink of an eye. I’ve had the luxury of enjoying feast after feast that I think I’m putting on weight during this festive season! * Time For My Diet!* which Calvin says will never come. haha.. But anyhow, the Chinese New Year celebrations are nearing a standstill.. And it’s time to put aside all the festive goodies and mood and get back to work on my blog and studies! Remember what I hope to accomplish through my blog?
So now, it’s the time to solve people’s problems with relationships and to share my own personal experiences and learnings! Hee 😛 If you have any personal experiences that you would like to share with me.. don’t hesitate to do so. Other than that, if you have any problems/ questions/ doubts regarding any kinds of relationships – romantic ones, parent-child, colleagues etc… Just email me at
I promise that I’ll try to answer any of the questions that you may have. In the meantime, do check back regularly for updates okie? Cheers!
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