Earlier I was browsing some people’s blog (mainly Singaporean internet marketers) and it’s amazing to see how many of them have accomplished something for themselves – running coaching programs, setting up their own profitable online businesses etc. I have without a doubt, respect for these people who have carved something online for themselves.
Back in 2006-2007, that was when Calvin and I started out and frankly the local internet marketing circle was much smaller because everyone was more cautious and fearful that everything’s a scam. Back then, we went on TV and the newspaper to share the concept of internet marketing and making money online and even publicly stated, we aspire to make 10k per month via the internet! Who at that time would have thought it was possible? Even the newspaper reporter said, “That’s inspiring!” but of course, she didn’t really think it was possible.
People thought we were just a “one hit wonder” and just felt that it was just a fad. Well, it doesn’t help that we both are quite *shy* people and we’ve just quietly worked on our business, letting our results tell our story. And we’ve never gone publicly about our business or done any form of coaching etc. until our Accelerated Blogging Profits workshop in October.
Fast forward to today, It’s 2010. Right now, blogshops are common. People are making money online one way or another, or at least, they are finding out how to. And we’ve established our internet marketing company for more than a year. 🙂
And to tell you the truth, now the Singaporean internet marketing community is getting bigger and getting more competitive. Like it or not, people are out there doing the same things, running the same courses and basically selling the same stuff. But it’s a matter of how they do it. And I’ve seen some pretty good stuff happening around.
It has been extremely rewarding for me to see how the industry has evolved since late 2006. And it also marks a point of time for reflection for me on how I can do better in this business and to continue my journey towards financial freedom and abundance with the help of the Internet. 🙂
If you are also running your own online business/ in internet marketing and would like to share your own thoughts about the local industry or to network, do leave a comment here! 🙂 Would love to hear about your experience with internet marketing! Cheers!
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