Haha.. the Simply Successful Secrets blogging bug has caught onto me! Of course I would have caught it given that both Calvin and Desmond have tagged me at their blogs!
So basically, this blogging meme that is happening is actually a way of bloggers to dictate the ways to achieve success and to share them with readers. Moreover, it allows readers of blogs to be able to well, follow these ways to achieve success too! Anyway, everyone wins by learning the success secrets of other people who are successful, and all of the bloggers who participate get exposure in the online community! It’s like killing birds with a single meme! Lol~!
I think that it was a really good initiative done by Aaron Potts at Today Is That Day. And I’m following the trend because I have a set of things that I do that help me to be successful and I would like to share them with you!
So here goes~!
“Compose a new listing listing the top 5 to 10 things that you do almost every day that help you to be successful.”
Well, this seems relatively simple to me!
1) I smile when I wake up!
>> That starts my day on the right foot because I know that it is a brand new day and I’ve got to seize it! Many people wake up frowning at the thought of having to go to work or to school, not knowning that it can influence the way that they lead their lives. Well, for me, I wake up smiling and knowing that I’ve got another 24 hours to utilise to achieve success and the goals that I have!
2) I eat well!
>> Many people do not realise this but the food that they eat can actually affect their well-being and moods. That’s because some foods contain chemicals that can influence the performance of their hormones. Foods like Caffeine can boost energy levels temporarily and chocolates can alleviate your moodiness. You need to make sure that your diet comprises of foods that will do you good. Such as Gingko nuts boost your memory, peanuts give you energy boosts and water keeps your body running optimally too! and so many more!
3) I set my priorities for the day
>> Nothing beats knowing what you have to do for the day and accomplishing all that in the day! So, it’s good to be able to set a list of things to do and also know what actions to take to maximise the time that you have! You can achieve so much more once you know what you need to do and what you want to achieve.
4) I take time off to relax every 4 hours
>> When I study or work, I need to let my brain rest. Hence I take occasional time off to rest my brain and give myself a breather. Every 4 hours works fine for me. I can engage in things like playing mind-challenging games such as Sudoku, Freecell, Chess etc. It helps to exercise your brain as well as give yourself time off! 🙂
5) I take time to choose what I’m going to wear for the day
>> It may sound bimbotic to people but well, do you know how important a first impression is? Choosing what you’ll wear for the day and learning to make it a habit to dress well, is a good thing that will benefit you in many ways. It’s about being prepared in case you happen to meet an important person when you are out for the day or having to be scheduled for a last minute meeting which requires you to at least look presentable. Moreover, there’s a phrase right “Dressed for Success!” and “Dressed to Impress!” Dressing up well can provide you with empowerment!
6) I listen to what others have to say
>> Listening to others in terms of their compliments, advice, criticisms and complaints that they may have. Why? Because it is through listening to them that we get motivation, encouragement, support, correction, consolences etc. These are valuable things that people give us unconditionally and don’t cost a thing at all.
7) I plan ahead and schedule my time for a day and week
>> It’s important to allocate time in a day to do things according to their level of importance. And this is repeated for a week’s schedule too. That way, you can maximise the 24h that you have each day to do all the things that you need to accomplish at a time.
8) I visualise what is going to happen for the day
>> It helps to prepare me for any challenges of the day and as well as have confidence in going through the day as I had planned it out to be. Moreover, visualisation is a skill that can benefit you in many ways from your preparation for a presentation, a test or a job interview. It’s a success skill that you should train up to have! \
9) I review my experiences
>> It’s important that you do a feedback on yourself and the events that happened for the day/ week/ month. Find out how things went good or bad and how you can change for the better. It’s a long process but it’s worth it. Sometimes, it’s really a battle between reality and your ego! Haha.. I’m speaking from experience yeah.. haha.. 😛 But well, it’s worth it!
10) I thank Jesus Christ for every moment
>> One thing that most people forget to do is to thank God. It’s important to always be grateful for whatever experience that we have – failures, successes, disappoinments, jubilation etc. Sometimes, when we get too complacent about our capabilities, we tend to forget that we have God to thank. And when we encounter setbacks and are down, we then scurry to seek God’s grace and help. We need to constantly thank God for every single moment and day because it is by His grace and power that we are given each new day to live and cherish.
Well, I hope that YOU, my reader am able to benefit from my secrets in any way! 🙂 And now, i’ll pass you on to a couple of other people! And some of them already have really good success secrets to share with you hee..
Cheers! *To our success~!*
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