Everyone makes new year resolutions but do they ever keep them?
Calvin doesn’t really like resolutions because he feels that they are meant to be broken. While on the other hand, my friend Amin, is really adamant about making resolutions because he feels that he can keep them and reflect on them at the end of the year to see how he has progressed.
Resolutions are good to keep if well, they serve the purpose of motivating you to be a better person in this year. Moreover, it is important to set resolutions without the intention of already breaking them. In other words, don’t set resolutions thinking that they are impossible to keep and you have every right to break them.
Setting resolutions are just like setting goals. Always set realistic resolutions which require just enough effort and time to achieve. Realistic meaning that you have taken into consideration the demands of the resolution and whether is it possible for you to create circumstances that allow you to meet those demands.
It is good to make resolutions in various aspects of your life such as physical, intellectual, spiritual and financial. Make sure that the resolutions cover these aspects of your life because they are the foundations in a person’s life. You need to strike a balance between them in order to be able to accomplish other ‘higher order’ things.
I’m sure many motivational theories such as the one by Maslow will be able to give you insights on this.
Set resolutions not for the sake of setting them. But set them with the knowledge that they can make you a better person in this coming year. Have fun setting them alright! 😀
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