I set my deadline to be 31st January.
And today is the 31st of January. I am happy to announce that my blog is 99.99% completed. 😀 I’m rather satisfied with it because it’s simple and soothing to the eyes. Something that I know most people won’t complain about.
I encountered several problems such as adding a header to the overall blog template. Sigh.. I tried repeatedly that I gave up and decided to just make do without a header until I finally figure out how to or someone helps me with it.
Blogging has always been an interest for me but it’s just that time and priority issues that cause my personal blog to be neglected.
A fellow marketer and friend commented, “Hey you! You better do something about your blog coz your blog traffic is dwindling!”
How true. Without constant update of information and useful ideas, blog readers are prone to move on to others. That’s a crucial element in the area of blogging. Being able to sustain readership through the use of unique and original content.
For all bloggers out there, it’s something that you might want to keep in mind because having unique content ensures that your visitors will keep coming back for more. 😉 It follows a really simple formula:
So, keep a lookout over here because I’m gonna make sure that I’ve got content to keep you coming back for more! 😀
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