Just recently, Calvin and I met up with a couple of people who are interested in the same thing as we are – Internet Marketing and it certainly is cool to be able to discuss and share our knowledge with each other. It was definitely a well-spent 3 hours with the group of 6 people!
There were just so many things for us to share and we were talking about Blogging and how it actually plays a huge role in helping us establish a web presence!
Well, if you thought that the 6 people that we met up with are friends of ours, you’re half-correct. These people were people whom we met either on the internet or through our public promotion of our 7 Ways to Earn Money Online System and they share similar interests and beliefs as us. And I realised that no matter what your interests are, you’ll definitely be able to find like-minded people.
When you meet up with these people, it’s almost like an automatic connection. You begin to exchange notes, learn from their experiences, and offer your own experiences in return. And you know what’s best? The support that you can receive from these people can be truly amazing.
Calvin and I found them through offline promotional events and most of the time, through the avenues on the internet. So how do you begin finding people who have the same interests from the comforts of your own home?
You can search the directory or search categories
>> Let’s say you are interested in the movie, Grease. So what you do a search on “Grease” or “Movie Lovers+Grease”. There will be resources listed for you which will definitely match what you are looking for. Once you find a website that you find useful and interesting, you might want to navigate around to see if there are any forums or chatrooms to meet other people!
Subscribe to an e-zine or newsletter
>> Whenever you land on a page which provides you with the information you are interested in, there’s no harm subscribing for the website’s newsletter for more information. Besides, you can be sure that there will be regular updates or even activities such as online/offline seminars organised for you to meet up with other people with similar interests!
Visit the newsgroups
>> This is yet another great way of meeting people that share common interests. You can do a keyword search for newgroups and well, simply join one! After which, all you have to do is simply choose the category you are interested in and join in any discussions or post any comments on the website!
Participate in forums
>> Stop by a forum which you find interesting and well, just read through any of the topics available. And if there is a post worth commenting on, do give your ideas! Be interactive and engaging and private message those whom you find interesting or would like to get to know better!
Join online communities
>> You can join online communities and these communities are often made up of people who have similar interests as you do. It boosts interaction amongst members and well, you can get to know new people from there too!
Search social networking sites
>> You can join social networking sites and look for people with similar interests. Often, these sites provide you with options to view the profiles of others or to search those who like the same things as you do! In fact, you can even find people who are perhaps from the same school as you were or in the same sport as you are! You can message them and even talk about the common things that you enjoy/dislike about school or the sport!
So, that’s it! It’s interesting to expand your social circle and get to know more people because it can just make life a lot livelier for you!
P.S. : Having said so much, I WANNA KNOW YOU! If you’re reading my blog, don’t hesitate to join my online community which you can find on the right side of this website. On top of that, you can also email me at patricia@patricialin.com ! Hope to get to know you soon~! 😉
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