You might not know but our daily activities and our diet affects us too. Sometimes, because we are too engrossed in our work at the computer, we tend to forget about drinking water, eating our meals or perhaps end up snacking a lot more than usual!
Calvin and I are so guilty of it! We always do our work at the computer without taking breaks for our meals or for a drink. And what happens is that at the end of the day, we end up being dehydrated and thirsty and it’s not a good sign because it just means that your body is in an ’emergency’ state, in need of water.
So despite being busy at work in front of your computer, always remember to drink enough water each day. Make sure that you drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and it is always good to just place a large glass of water at your work desk so that you’ll be inclined to drink some water every 2 hours or so.
If you are rushing work in the night, always refrain from drinking coffee or any drinks that contain caffeine because caffeine is a diuretic that increases the rate of urine excretion. And this may cause you to be dehydrated even more easily. Instead of coffee or cola, opt to drink more water or fruit juice.
I can’t stress the importance of maintaining a balanced diet and exercising regularly. Always include carbohydrates, proteins, fats and fibre in your meal.
Carbohydrates: rice, noodles, bread
Proteins: Meat, Vegetables
Fats: Nuts, Oils
Fibre: Fruits
Participate more actively in sports and activities. Join a gym or perhaps just go for a work out once a week to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Remember to get enough sleep. Many people use the computer until the wee hours of the morning and for the sake of gaming, blogging etc, they forgo the precious hours of sleep that they need.
I hope that people will realise the importance of establishing the right habits as well as activities in their lives in order to benefit their personal well being, which is very much needed while working on the computer for long hours each day. 🙂
Here’s to a better health!
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