Sometimes, we all need a break at the end of the week. So Calvin and I went down to Cathay Cineleisure to watch The Bounty Hunter last night! 😀
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We sat at the 2nd row because it was a last minute decision to catch the movie and well, thankfully sitting in the 2nd row from the front at Cathay wasn’t that bad. 🙂 The movie was really cute! I loved the chemistry between Gerard Butler and Jen Aniston. They make such a cute couple. But I must say the plot really was predictable and throughout the movie, I was just spoiling it for Calvin cos i was just literally predicting the plot to him. 😛
B- for the plot.
But definitely A* for the acting. Jennifer Aniston hasn’t lost her comedic touch since Friends. Totally loved her facial expressions, which say a thousand words. Gerard Butler played his macho, gambling addict-cum-ex-police officer character well. Surprisingly no irish accent from How To Train Your Dragon. hahaha.. He reminds me a lot of Russell Crowe but he can definitely do love comedies better.
[Credits to:]
Need I say more that she looked hawt in the same simple get up she was in for 3/4 of the movie??  Love the hair. 😀 Oh gosh, that was something I felt was such a pity! I only saw her in 1 outfit and 1 grandmother dress. Haha.. well, that’s simply cos.. the movie’s plot takes place in over 48hours. Not that we usually wear 3 outfits in a day do we?
Overall, movie’s a good date movie. A feel-good movie that tells you sometimes, at the end of the day, love is mysterious and comes back around even when you both missed it the first time.
On the sideline: Can’t wait to catch Sex in The City 2!!! Just saw a sneak peek trailer. SJP is my ultimate fashion icon/role model! Â I really can’t wait to see the clothes she and the girls are going to wear in the movie! Yeah~!
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